
* etc.passwd.inc v1.0
* Syntax:
* verifypasswd(string USERNAME, string PASSWORD)
* The function will return one of three values:
* -2 if there was a file reading error
* -1 if the password is incorrect
* 0 if the username doesn’t exist
* 1 if the password is correct
* Written by WarMage ( michael@irc.net )

function verifypasswd ($$USERNAME, $$PASSWORD) {

$$fd = fopen( "/etc/passwd", "r");
$$contents = fread($$fd, filesize( "/etc/passwd"));
if (!$$contents) return -2;

$$lines = split( "n", $$contents);
$$passwd = array();

for($$count=0;$$count<count($$lines);$$count++) {
list ($$user,$$pass) = split( ":",$$lines[$$count]);
if ($$user == $$USERNAME) {

if (!$$user) return 0;

$$cryptedpass = $$pass;
$$salt = substr($$cryptedpass,0,2);
$$Pass = crypt($$PASSWORD,$$salt);

if ($$Pass == $$cryptedpass) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
